Gua Sha !?!

Wow it’s been a while since my last non-food post.  In this unprecedented times it does feels weird to blog about products but trying to get back to some routine to keep sane. 😐 
So ever heard of Gua Sha? Do you Gua Sha? 
Gua means scrape and Sha means sand.  It is a healing technique in Asian Medicine. It’s also called scrapping using a smooth edge tool.  It improves circulation, reduce inflammation, drain lymph nodes, restores glow, tones, helps fight dark circles and shapes. I have also heard it helps fight rosacea and can help with TMJ and migraines. 
There are many kinds of Gua Sha tools available.  I got mine on amazon as a set with my jade roller. They can be different shapes and sizes. I am linking the you tube tutorial ( Always start with cleansed skin and hands.  I apply my serum and start massaging. My first impression was that it’s complicated.  But the more I use it the more I love it.  Currently I am alternating between my jade roller and gua sha.  Being quarantine has given me time to experiment with different tools and techniques.  Whether you Gua sha or not do something that brings you joy, take a few minutes out to #selfcare. 
#guashamassage #guasha #jaderoller #selfcare #apieceofme #confessions #productjunkie #novamag #dcbloggers #browngirlbloggers #quarantinelife 


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