DIY Face Mask

I absolutely love trying home remedies. With things I can find in my kitchen (or at the store) I am able to whip up masks (face or hair). They have little to no side effects or chemicals.  Since I have acne prone skin due to a medical issue, I often use this mask. I know in my last blog post I said each zone of your face may require a different product but this mask targets 2 out of 3 zones of my face: oily T-Zone, dry S-Zone.

Cleanse your face and neck

Mix the following ingredients into a smooth paste and apply on your face & neck (with clean hands or a brush)

2 tbsp. of sandalwood powder
1-2 pinches of turmeric (don't use too much or it will give your face a yellow tinge)
1 tbsp. of gram flour
4-5 tbsp. of Rose Water (more if needed) or plain yogurt (2-3 tbsps)

(these are rough measurement as I usually eyeball all the ingredients except Turmeric)

Once its completely dry using warm water gently massage for a few seconds, rinse clean and pat dry

Sandalwood Powder has soothing properties, reduces/removes blemishes over time, reduces acne, corrects/fades acne and dark spots, fades wrinkles, hydrates, removes excess oils, exfoliates, tightens, leaves skin smooth & glowing..... and so many more

Turmeric is not only for cooking Indian food but also has medicinal properties.  It is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. BEWARE not to use too much or it will temporarily turn your skin and nails yellow. 

Gram Flour or you can substitute with rice flour absorbs oil and helps gently exfoliate skin.

Yogurt helps soothe skin. It contains lactic acid which helps fade dark spots over time.

Rosewater is anti-inflammatory.  It helps in reducing irritation and redness and acne among other properties.  It also helps in removing excess oil and dirt.  It makes a good toner as well.

TIP: I keep rose water in the refrigerator during summer. Cold rose water feels awesome on the skin.

***As always do a patch test before using it all over your face and neck. Everyone's skin is different and there is no one size fits all. Please consult a doctor for professional advice.***

#pieceofme, #productconfessions, #productjunkee, #productho, #DIY


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